by Carolyn Kandt-Lloyd
Prestige Mold

Baby/Young Child Series
10" Maggie Head
Soft Fire    $15.00
 Bisque         35.00
Full, round, cheeks, a double chin & sweet expressive mouth makes Maggie special.
She is sculpted after a beautiful baby calander &
named after on of Caroline's aunts.
Baby Maggie is sure to please.
Return Links:
Alphabetical Link
Series Link
Wig Size:               9/10 in.
Eye Size:               18 mm
Also See:  10" Ben

(companion share same Arms & Legs parts)
Available in Porcelain SFGW (Soft Fired Greenware),
Bisque Blank (Unpainted Bisque), or
China Painted Porcelain Bisque (Painted Bisque)